Home Address: Present Position:
92/22 Alton Road Dean Emeritus, Architecture and Design
Cooranbong, NSW, 2265 Professor Emeritus, Architecture,
Australia Lawrence Technological University
Matriculation Avondale College, N.S.W. Australia 1956
B.Arch. University of Sydney, N.S.W. Australia 1962
M. Arch. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1966
Ph.D. Edinburgh University, Scotland 1968
F.R.A.I.A. Fellow, Royal Australian Institute of Architects 1974
R.I.B.A. Member, Royal Institute of British Architects 1969
EDRA Member, Environmental Design Research Association
IDEC Member, Interior Design Educators Council
IFMA Member, International Facility Management Association
Tau Sigma Delta Past Grand Chapter Secretary, national honor society for architecture,
landscape architecture and allied arts
With New South Wales government, Jorn Utzon, Ove Arup: Researcher, public relations
and official guide, Sydney Opera House 1963
Architect with Gosta Abergh SAR, Stockholm, Sweden 1963-1964
With Robert Matthew/Johnson-Marshall, Edinburgh 1968
Private Practice, Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia 1974-1980
Consultant to Ssese Islands Development Project, Uganda From 1989
Team member for numerous visits, the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB),
North Central Accreditation for Schools and Colleges (NCA), and Foundation for Interior
Design Education and Research (FIDER).
Associate Dean, Faculty of Architecture, University of Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia 1974-1979
Chair, Department of Architecture, Andrews University 1980-1988
Program Head for External Relations, Andrews University 1988-1990
Dean, College of Architecture and Design
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan 1990-2003
The College of Architecture and Design enrolled 720 undergraduate
students in the department of architecture, and 100 students in the
interior design and Bachelor of Fine Arts in architectural imaging
degree programs in the department of art and design. Approximately
100 students were enrolled in graduate degrees. The College employed
22 full-time faculty, 70 adjunct faculty and 10 staff.
Initiated Integrated Design Studios to undergraduate students; Master Classes and
Reflective Practice Studio to M. Arch Professional and Post-Professional degree programs
Coordinator for accrediting visits by the National Association of Schools
of Art and Design (NASAD), Foundation for Interior Design Education
Research (FIDER) and the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB).
All programs received full terms of accreditation
Planning for a professional doctoral degree, Doctor of Design Education
The focus combines educational theory and experimental studios in reflective
practice developed in the College post-professional Master Classes
The Ohio State University 1964-1966
Part-time Design Critic in the Department of Architecture:
Freshman Design and Thesis critic
University of Newcastle, Australia 1969-1971
Lecturer in Architecture
Accelerated promotion to Senior Lecturer in Architecture with tenure: 1971-1980
Courses included design in all years, the History of Architecture
3-course sequence, Social Sciences in Architecture, Architectural
Research, Fine Arts Seminars, Thesis projects
Andrews University, Michigan 1980-1990
Professor of Architecture with tenure: 1980-1990
Courses included Design Concepts in Architecture, joint Architecture and
Interior Design studio projects, Thesis projects, Special Topics and Individual
Research projects, supervision of Honors projects in architecture and interior
design. Joint supervisor of doctoral dissertations in the School of Education.
Director and lecturer: Finland Summer Quarter 1982
Lecturer: European Art and Architecture Tour 1985
Director and lecturer: Australian Summer Quarter 1988
Lawrence Technological University, Michigan
Professor of Architecture with tenure, and Dean: From 1990
Courses include undergraduate Integrated Design Studios,
Allied Design Studio: Interiors, and graduate course Educational Praxis
Director, Scandinavian Summer Tour 1997
Andrews University Teacher of the Year Award for Excellence in teaching 1983
Received the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Michigan President’s Award 2000
Watercolours and sketches regularly exhibited in juried art shows, including: Michigan
Water Color Society, Our Town, Polk Art and Technology exhibitions. Artwork is in private
collections and corporate offices.
Taught watercolour workshops on Queen Elizabeth 2 and Queen Mary 2 2003-2005
Artist-in-Residence, Vantage Deluxe World Travel European River cruises 2006-2012
Executive Secretary to University Advisory Councils at Andrews University and
Lawrence Technological University
Initiated Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society Chapters: Beta Upsilon Chapter at
Andrews University, and Gamma Delta Chapter at Lawrence Technological
Appointed Grand Chapter Secretary to the national Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society 2002-2006
President, Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society 2006-2007
Worked in close association with Vice President for Institutional Advancement, obtaining
fellowships, scholarships and fundraising to construction, engineering and industrial
companies in support of a $25 million capital campaign for a new Technology and
Learning Center, Lawrence Technological University. Campaign closed at $46 million.
Member, Art Gallery Society of Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia 1970-1980
As Curator of the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Affleck House in Bloomfield Hills, 1990-2003
Michigan. This outstanding example of the Usonian style has become the venue for
Master Classes and Reflective Practice Studios
Led workshops on collaborative design for schools, community buildings, campuses
and neighborhoods, and watercolor workshops
Participated in, and supported faculty and community leaders in Collaborative Urban
Design studies in southeastern Michigan (Royal Oak, Pontiac, Monroe, Novi,
Detroit), out-of-state (Old Town Spring, Texas) and international communities
(Ssese Islands, Uganda).
Reviewer for Visual and Performing Arts projects, Focus: Hope Greenfield Coalition
for New Manufacturing Education
Led delegation from Lawrence Technological University to the United Nations, New York,
June 15, 1998 and coordinated the exhibition of student projects on the Ssese Islands,
Lake Victoria, Uganda
Research Assistant to Perry Borchers, Professor of Architecture,
Ohio State University: Applications of the principles of photogrammetry
to the recording of historic architecture 1964-1966
Edinburgh University: Studies in Spatial perception, Faculty of Social Sciences 1966-1968
Ph.D. dissertation: Subjective Responses and Eye Fixations to Visual
Displays of Spatial Sequences
At University of Newcastle and Andrews University: Analysis and
Stereoscopic illustrations of Baroque architecture in Rome, Northern
Italy and Bavaria
Stereoscopic recording of historic and contemporary architecture.
Stereoscopic time-lapse photography in educational and urban spaces.
Photogrammetric recordings of Australian rock and cave paintings
using phototheodolites, Wild C-40 and C-120 stereometric cameras
Researcher, Heerburgg, Switzerland: Photogrammetric plottings from
horizontal, vertical and tilted axes on Wild A-7 Autograph 1975
University of Newcastle: Photogrammetric recordings of Aboriginal Rock
Art at Milbrodale and Mootwingee, NSW and Cape York 1974, 1975
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies: Photogrammetric projects in Cape
York, Sydney, Canberra; Heerbrugg, Switzerland 1976, 1977
Royal Australian Institute of Architects: "Space in Place", the work of Charles 1980
Moore and Michael Graves
Andrews University Office of Scholarly Research and Publication Stereoscopic
Architecture - Baroque 1984-1989
Lectures at universities in North America, Europe and Australia, including:
AA School of Architecture, London; Institute of Advanced Architectural
Studies, York; Harvard Graduate School of Design; Yale University;
Sydney University; Adelaide University; Oulu University and Helsinki
University of Technology, Finland.
Reliance Building, Chicago, in Historic American Building Survey
(Chicago: Prairie School Press, 1966) p. 25
Photogrammetric drawings in Restauro dei Monumenti (University of Napoli, 1972)
Australian Aboriginal Rock Art in Wild Heerbrugg Research Reporter, 12
(May 1977), pp. 2-3
Grant's Tomb and Madonna and Child, Ossios Loukas in Photogrammetric
Recording of Cultural Resources (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of
the Interior, 1977) pp. 4, 32
60 journal articles, including:
"The Old Montgomery County Court House, Dayton, Ohio", Journal of the Society
of Architectural Historians, 26:4, (December 1967), pp.294-300.
"On the Visual Perception and Representation of Space", Arch. Science Review,
13:4, (December 1970), pp. 121-129.
"The Visual Perception of a Spatial Environment", Arch. Science Review, 16:4,
(December 1973), pp. 178-187.
"Educator-Architect Co-operation in School Design", Education News, 14:5, 6
(October-December 1973), pp. 16-22. (joint author with Lloyd, T.G.)
"The Application of Photogrammetry to Recording Rock Art", Australian Institute
of Aboriginal Studies, New Series, 1, (January 1974), pp. 33-39.
"Photogrammetry and the Measurement of Rock Form and Aboriginal Art",
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, New Series, 6, (June 1976), pp. 33-45.
"Photogrammetric Recording of Australian Aboriginal Rock Art", Search, Journal of
the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science), 7:6
(June 1976), pp. 276-277.
"Architecture of Participation", The Ministry, 49:10, (October 1976), pp. 18-21.
"Further Photogrammetric Recordings of Early Man Shelters, Cape York"
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, New Series, (January 1977), pp. 54-59
"Architecture as Spatial Enclosures", Architecture Australia, 66:2,
(May 1977), pp. 49-52.
"Spatial Geometry", Architecture Australia, 67:3 (July 1978), pp. 46-67.
"Spatial Geometry", Excursion into Finnish Architecture", Architecture Australia,
67:5, (November 1978), pp. 37-43.
"Non-rectilinear spaces in Alvar Aalto's buildings in Finland",Architecture and
Urbanism, 79:02, (February 1979), pp. 3-6. (Japanese and English text)
"Identity, Territoriality and School Design", Journal of Christian Education, 66,
(December 1979), pp. 13-24. (joint author with Lloyd, T.G.)
"Stereoscopic Time Lapse Recording of the Use of Space", Search, (Journal of
the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science),
11:6, (June 1980), pp. 199-200.
"Timo and Tumo Suomalainen: Hotel Mesikammen, Lake Hankavesi, Finland",
Architecture and Urbanism, 81:5, (May 1981), pp. 57-68. (Japanese and
English Text)
"Comparisons of Traditional and New: Carl Nyren's Gottsunda Centre Church
Uppsala, Sweden", Arkkitehti (Finnish Architectural Review), 83:4,
(April 1983), pp. 44-47, 63. (Finnish and English text)
"The Sief Palace Area Buildings, Kuwait", Architecture and Urbanism, 83:06,
(June 1983), pp. 28-41. (Japanese and English text).
"The Second Annual Review of Recent World Architecture: Kuwait",A.I.A. Journal,
72:8, August 1983), pp. 144-145.
"Kirche in Gottsunda-Zentrum, Uppsala, Schweden", Kunst and Kirche,
(January 1984), p. 44-47. (German text).
"Monitoring Change in Urban Educational Spaces," in Educational Facilities in the
City: The Challenge in Asia and the Pacific", Proceedings of Sixth International
Seminar of Union Internacionale des Architectes Working Group on Educational
and Cultural Spaces, Bangkok, February 1983 (Athens, The Technical Chamber
of Greece, 1984) pp. 59-67.
"Works of Carl Nyren", Architecture and Urbanism, 87:02, (February 1987), pp. 59-70.
(Japanese and English translation)
"User Participation in the Design Process," in "International Information Network on
Educational Buildings and Furniture", Proceedings of Eighth International Seminar
of Union Internacionale des Architectes Working Group on Educational and Cultural
Spaces, Budapest, February 1988 (Athens, The Technical Chamber of Greece,
1988), pp. 65-66.
"On Architecture and Education", Bulletin, (Michigan Society of Architects), 11:07,
(November-December 1988), pp. 2-4.
"An Excursion to a New Synthesis: The Work of E. Fay Jones and Maurice
Jennings", Faith and Form (Journal of the Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art
and Architecture, XXII (Fall 1989), pp. 10-14.
"Towards a More Integrated Architect", Faith and Form: Journal of the Interfaith
Forum on Religion, Art and Architecture, XXII (Winter, 1989-90) pp. 22-24.
"On the Liberal Education of Architects" in Domer, Dennis and Kent Spreckelmeyer,
Eds., The Liberal Education of Architects. (Lawrence Kansas: 1990), pp. 44-45.
(With Cheryl Jetter).
"Individuality: Of a Child and a Desk", in "Interior Design in School and Cultural
Buildings", Proceedings of Union Internacionale des Architectes Working Group
on Educational and Cultural Spaces, Stockholm, August 27-31, 1991
(Stockholm, Royal Institute of Technology and SAR), pp. 19-22.
"The Reflective Practice Studio" in Proceedings of International Conference on
Problem-based Learning, (Newcastle, Australia, July 1994.)
“The Reflective Practice Studio” Research and Development in Problem-based
Learning , Vol. 2, (Sydney: Charles Sturt University Press, 1994) pp. 17-25.
“The Focus on Artistry in Professional Education” in Proceedings of Sydney University
Graduates of North America Conference, (Ottawa: July 1997.)
“Alternatives to the Traditional Ph.D. Degree” in Doctoral Education in Architecture
Schools: The Challenge of the 21st Century (Atlanta: Georgia Institute of
Technology, April 1997) pp. 99-104.
“Artistry and Educational Theory as a Focus for an Alternative Doctoral Degree”,
Proceedings of the 2nd ARCC-EAAE Conference on Architectural Research
(Paris, France: July 2000) pp. 107-113.
“The Design Complement”, Proceedings of the IFMA World Workplace Europe 2002
Conference (Paris, France: June 2002) pp. 331-340.
With Delyse Steyn, “Profiles: Neville Clouten - Dialogue with an Adventist architect and artist”,
Dialogue, 17:2, (2005) pp. 18-19 with 4 pages portfolio, (English, French, Portuguese,
Some Aussie characters would help make it so.